1. What are Voting Button options?

To vote in a Subo poll, your members click on buttons. There are 2 types of voting buttons, Full Answer and Emoji-only.

1.1 Full Answer

Full Answer mode displays the entire answer option inside the button. To make the button readable in a mobile device, there is a limit of 39 characters per button / answer option.

Example of a ‘Full Answer’ voting buttons

Example of a ‘Full Answer’ voting buttons

1.2 Emoji-only

Emoji-only mode only displays an emoji inside the button. Full answers are listed in the poll embed in front of the relevant emoji, so that voters can cross-reference which button relates to which answer. The voting confirmation ‘ephemeral’ message also includes the full answer.

In the emoji-only mode, there is virtually no character limitation for your answer options.

What emoji inside the button?

Public poll with 5 ‘emoji-only’ answer options

Public poll with 5 ‘emoji-only’ answer options

Hidden poll with 15 ‘emoji-only’ voting options

Hidden poll with 15 ‘emoji-only’ voting options


<aside> ⚠️ You need to start with the emoji for it to be used as the button. If you enter an emoji in any another position, it will be considered part of the answer but the bot will display default emojis. For example, Red Mars 🔴; Speaker for the Dead 💀; Neuromancer 🧠 will display 1️⃣, 2️⃣ and 3️⃣. See below:



2. How to select your Voting Button mode

2.1 Default button mode: full answer

By default, new polls are set to ‘full answer’ mode when you install the bot, but you can change that default for your server with the /settingscommand.
