XP System in Subo

Subo also has an Experience Points (XP) system. XP points are gained when users vote on your polls and answer your surveys. The more a user answers your questions, the more XP they gain. You also have the option to display a leaderboard where users can see how they rank in terms of total XP and monthly XP in the server. You can also define role rewards that users earn when they reach a certain amount of total or monthly XP. The XP system encourages user participation and engagement in the surveys and polls you publish on the server. The XP system is optional and customizable, allowing admins to set the amount of XP gained and the role rewards. The XP system is available to all users, but Premium users can also set up a custom XP name and XP

1. How to set up XP in your server with /xp_settings

The /xp_settings command is reserved to admin users.

1.1 Standard set up for all servers





1.2 Advanced custom set up for Premium servers